Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coconut oil, the "miracle" food..

Dear Margaret,
      Hope you have safe travels back from Florida.. can't wait to hear abou your trip and see pics! In the meantime, I wanted to share this with you!:

As you know, I’m a diet/health/fitness fanatic…obsessed with reading and learning about anything and everything to improve my health, aging process, appearance, energy, etc. etc. etc. I’ve read a million times that coconut oil is supposed to be a miracle food…but the idea of adding saturated fat calories to my diet always really freaked me out… until I tried it.
My parents, Ryan, and I were in Flagstaff one weekend just lounging around a beautiful mountain home and opened  Kevin Trudeau’s book “more natural ‘cures’ revealed” that was sitting on the bed side table. Of course we turned right to the weight loss sectionJ and there was that  “coconut  oil” word again. Since I had strength in numbers (If I got fat trying it, so did they haha), and since the health benefits listed were so intense and promising (aka helps prevent Alzheimer's which runs in my family), we finally decided to get some unrefined, extra-virgin, expeller-pressed coconut oil at the local health market to try. There are many suggestions on how to use it… like cooking with it, spreading it on bread (like butter), putting it in your coffee, etc. etc. but we decided to just melt it and take it like a shot (1 tablespoon in morning and one in late afternoon..I actually mix mine with Zico coconut water, mango flavor, to cut the oily consistency). My cousin just told me too that she dips some almonds in it after meals as a lil dessert.. genious.
Coconut oil contains a high amount of lauric acid which has many healing properties, but most importantly it gets burned for energy immediately and doesn’t easily store in the body as fat. I have been taking it for almost two months now and I’ve noticed that my sugar cravings aren’t as bad and my energy level seems to be better. Apparently it helps you lose weight too… If you are skeptical like I was, here is a great book to load you up with info… you have nothing to loseJ I’m sold.  *side note BONUS* I bought one that I hated the taste of so I put the tub in my shower and use it on my skin and ends of hair before I get out … best natural moisturizer ever!


  1. Alright lovely ladies... I have purchased the coconut oil !! I'm ready for a miracle!! :)


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