Friday, March 9, 2012

Health and Fitness on the go...

Dear Margaret,

I love your hypothetical SXSW outfits.. I wish I were going too.. but more importantly to wear the outfits and be together in Austin:)
 So, I'm packing for L.A. market (Sun-Thurs) and I decided I would show you my snack packs and fitness routine I use for traveling. It's so easy to fall off the band wagon when traveling and eat junk or get lazy etc etc... but with just a little bit of planning and will power, it's super easy to stay healthy and keep focused with the right foods during market (where they have Sprinkles cupcakes staring you in the face). And of course when we go out to fun dinners after work, I let myself indulge: I try to always have a salad (dressing on side obvi) or soup (broth-based) first to fill me up on nutritious foods, I order my entrees without added oil or butter, and I always try to limit myself to 2 drinks... but.. I always wolf down dessert.. can't help it.. haha. I love L.A. and all the restaurants and shops etc etc.  I'll try to write you while I'm there.. if not.. til Thursday:)... can't wait to show you what I see for Fall 2012!


Mini cooler pack from Trader Joe's.. to trasnport all my goods

1.) Pro Bar Superfood Slam Meal Replacement Bar with greens-
2.) Trader Joe's Veggie Fiberful Bars.. buy in store.. each have 6 grams of fiber!!!!
4.) Greens + Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bar.. meal replacement with greens:
5.) Green & Blacks organic super dark chocolate for my sweet tooth after meal cravings:

Snacks for the plane ride:
1.) Organic sugar snap peas
2.) Organic pink lady apple
3.) Kumkuats (mini oranges)
4.) 2 hard boiled eggs for protein
5.) Ella'sOrganic Kitchen produce pouch..for babies, but a great way to get in your veggies on the go:
1.) Yogi green tea Blueberry Slim Life.. great taste for green tea (everybody has hot water for tea too):
2.) Traditional Medicine Oganic Eater's Digest Tea.. helps when I eat something I'm not used to eating, which is inevitable with traveling:
3.) Triple Leaf Detox Tea.. makes me feel less bloated after being on plane and eating salt etc..:
4.) Rainbow Light Women's One multi vitamin.. all food based.
5.) Stride Mystery flavor gum.. reminds me of Fruit Stipe gum as a kid.. without the sugar... good after meals for sugar cravings:
6.) Emergen C Acai Berry.. good pick me up and to protect against getting sick.
7.) True Lemon real lemon packs.. amazing for iced tea and definitely for my tequila drinks:).. they have lime and orange too:)

Paleo Food kits..wish I would have invented this: free-range jerky, raw macadamias, almonds, pecans and dried fruits. The perfect balance. Found these through a blog I follow:
..order them from: ...( his whole store is so amazing.)
1.) Seapoint Farms Dry Roasted Edamame.. 14 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber in just 1/4 cup serving.. perfect snack. I add cayenne pepper to my bag.
2.) Trader Joe's dark chocolate mini cocoa beans.. for my sweet tooth.. find in stores.
3.) Trader Joe's "just a handful of simply almonds, cashews, & cranberries trek mix".. find in stores.
4.) Justin's Peanut Butter and Almond Butter individual packs.. perfect to pair with mini apples or bananas.. or crackers or whatevs:
5.) Heart Thrive Vegan Oat snacks.. I like cranberry flavor. Eat with handful of nuts for a perfect on the go snack. They are so moist and dense.. like eating a cookie!

My mini portable DVD player Ryan got me..I never leave Phoenix without it. Since I'm going on a work trip, I usually don't have a ton of time to workout... so I'm packing my Physique 57 "30 min" dvds to squeeze them in.. no pun intended. I'll also try and hit the hotel elliptical if I get a chance:) ... this way I have no excuse not to do something!

1 comment:

  1. um, wow. i think i need to hire you to pull together a bunch of these snack packs for me and mail them to me. These are WAAAAy more creative than my string/cottage cheese, cliff bar, popcorn snacks!


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